Monday, June 05, 2006



Joel Skousen at Free Market News Network writes

WHY DO GLOBALISTS FACILITATE COMMUNIST REVOLUTION? Those on the Left who view globalists like Kissinger only as "greedy capitalists" have no explanation for Kissinger’s seemingly contradictory conduct. Betraying Vietnam and Taiwan certainly wasn’t helping to promote Capitalism. Why have CFR controlled governments, under both Democrats and Republicans, consistently undermined pro-Western governments and covertly assisted Communist takeovers? Why are they , even now, shielding their citizens from knowledge of Russia’s continual preparations for nuclear war? Conservatives have always believed it was because the Communists had infiltrated many parts of the US government–especially the Dept. of State. However, most of these agents of influence (Alger Hiss, etc) were globalists, not Communists – facilitating Communist spying and influence for purposes hidden even from the Communists invited inside.

Their real purpose was to set the world stage for future conflict and globalist intervention to spur on the dominance of world government, controlled by them. That’s the real reason for continued warmongering in the Middle East. By using Communism or Leftist tyrants to break down nations, these target nations were unknowingly being set up (after 20 or so years of tyranny) for being "saved" from Communism by moderate appearing globalist interveners, replacing a radical form of Socialism with a more benign form, falsely labeled free market capitalism. What globalists are really after is "Third Way" Socialism (private ownership with heavy regulatory control) where the production can be syphoned off to support socialist benefits (without totally killing the markets as Communism does). Free markets are only the bait, not the end object. The globalist hook is embedded in the financial bondage created by international loans and the implementation documentation of regional government and world trade regulatory bodies (WTO, EU, FTAA, etc) that these newly liberated nations are induced to sign on to.
Click here to read whole article at Free Market News Network

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